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UC Marin Master Gardeners Opportunity Fund: Providing for the Future

Farm Day – Linda Varonin
Farm Day – Linda Varonin

The UC Marin Master Gardeners Opportunity Fund enables Master Gardeners and the public to donate to the long-term financial health and vitality of the UC Marin Master Gardener program.

The UC Marin Master Gardeners Opportunity Fund is a long-term endowment fund, invested under the policies of the Regents of the University of California, that provides annual contributions to our operating budget. It is a way of securing the future for UC Marin Master Gardener programs, earning income to support key needs and to cover shortfalls in the case of unforeseen events, such as the cancellation of our fundraising plant sales during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In addition to generous donations, the fund increases when Marin Master Gardeners generate excess annual operating funds from plant sales, workshops and other careful stewardship.  Because Master Gardeners are so resourceful in managing project budgets, annual revenues may exceed expenses.  These excess funds may be transferred to the Opportunity Fund, increasing the principle. Donations and excess operating funds both contribute to the Opportunity Fund. 

As of July 2024, the balance in the UC MMG Opportunity Fund is $167,935.52.

UC Master Gardeners and the public are invited to make a tax-deductible contribution.
Please send gifts (Make checks to "UC Regents") to:

UCCE Marin Master Gardeners Opportunity Fund
Attn: David Lewis
1682 Novato Boulevard, Suite 150B
Novato, CA 94947


With much gratitude to all who have
supported and contributed to the Opportunity Fund, including:

Javier Alarcon

Thomas Bertelsen

Berit Block

Becky Bond

Nessa Brady

Winkie Bresler

Sharna Brockett

Jean Burns

Deborah Celle

Jeanie Chandler

Joan Coatta

Richard Coburn

Kay & Tom Conneely

Laura Dawson

Nona Dennis

Barbara Derich

Camile Dibble

Deborah DiGiovanni

Barbara Dittmann

Angela Dotson

Elizabeth Drake

Gabriela Farraj

Pam Feagles

Jean Fidler

Pamela Polite Fisco

Sara Gabriel

Nancy Gibbs

Karen Halvorsen

Marty Hartrick

Susan Hebert

Anne Heinz

Phil Hinderberger

Katherine Hunting

Jeanne Imai

Dorothy Ingels

Joseph Jennings

Elisa Johnson

Rod Kerr

Julie & Russell Keil

Kathy King

Jeremy & Marissa Kirk

Joan Kozlowski

William Lang

Gail Lazarus

Pat Lennon

Barbara Levinson

Shanon Lowther

Carrie Machleder

Fay Mark

Bonnie Marks & Robert Miller

Renee Marler

Sandra Massen

Robert Mauceli

Julie McMillan

Mary Mcue

Margaret Millison-Wu

Pati Moon

Leslie Myers

Joseph Nelson

Peter Norton

Theresa Nevin

Nancy Olbetz

Gail Perrin

Sharlett Pitt

Jeanne Price

Susan & Dennis Puorro

Mary B. Quinlan

Alissa Ralston

Katherine Randolph

Pat Randolph

Yvonne Rojas

Peggy Ruffra

Becca Ryan

Carolyn Scarola

Carrolla Schwartz

Jane Scurich

Barbara Searles

Judy Simmons

Priscilla Smith

Deborah Spanier

Lourdes Stauffer

Raoul Stepakoff

Becca Sutter-Ryan

Ann Swanson

Nancy Upham

Cynthia Vyas

Anne-Marie Walker

Mary Warner

Rozanne Weiss Chandler

Julie Whyte

Kirby Wilcox

James Wilson

Susan Wittenmyer

Mamie Yee

Lesley Zwillinger