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UC Marin Master Gardeners at Ember Stomp

Marin's 3rd Annual Wildfire Prevention Festival

Ember Stomp Video Capture

Come visit UC Marin Master Gardeners at Ember Stomp, Marin’s third annual free wildfire prevention festival, on Saturday, September 7, at the Marin County Fairgrounds.

Master Gardeners will show you how to improve your landscape’s fire resiliency with:

  • Proper design, emphasizing Zone 0, the first 5’ from your house and the most critical area in your garden;
  • Consistent maintenance, using appropriate pruning, proper watering, and the least hazardous mulch; and
  • Careful plant selection, growing native plants and pollinators.

For more event details, click here.
For more information about fire-smart landscaping, click here.

See you at Ember Stomp!

Ember Stomp table