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UC Marin Master Gardeners Annual Tomato Market 2025


9am until sold out

Pini Ace Hardware
Nave Shopping Center
1535 S. Novato Blvd, Novato

Bon Air Greenbrae
Off Highway 101
Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Greenbrae

NEW: Now accepting credit cards, cash, and checks.

About the annual tomato market

The annual UC Marin Master Gardener Tomato Market is our major fundraiser for the year. It provides the financial resources for our support of educational programs at schools, community gardens, public seminars and education throughout the county. And of course, we get to sell you the best varieties chosen specifically for Marin gardens!

We help you choose the best varieties for YOUR Marin garden

The plants are grown from seed by UC Marin Master Gardeners at our Falkirk Demonstration Garden greenhouse in San Rafael.
The plants are grown from seed by UC Marin Master Gardeners at our Falkirk Demonstration Garden greenhouse in San Rafael.
Tomato varieties are distinguished by taste, shape, color, size, days until harvest, length of season, disease resistance, and more. According to the US Department of Agriculture there are over 10,000 tomato varieties grown in the United States.

UC Marin Master Gardeners have been growing tomatoes for sale for over 10 years and have refined our lists of which varieties do well in Marin’s varied micro-climates and garden environments. View a list of tomato varieties for sale at the 2025 Tomato Market here.

We choose varieties according to:
• Taste 
• Productivity 
• Varieties that have proven successful for Marin gardens in the past
• New varieties that have advantages over current and past choices
• New colors and tastes

How to Grow Great Tomatoes
  1. Choose varieties suited to your microclimate. All tomatoes will grow in warm areas. For cool areas, consider "Days to Maturity" no longer than 75 days.
  2. Plant in a sunny location - full sun, if possible, but no less than 6 hours each day.
  3. Amend your soil. In raised beds and in the ground, add compost. In a container, use at least 10-gallon size, remove the old soil, clean the container, and use new potting mix.
  4. Bury the stems to their uppermost leaves. Do not touch the hairs on the stems! They are potential roots.
  5. Taper your watering over time. Keep your plants thoroughly (not soggy!) wet until small fruits form. Then, reduce watering, making sure the soil does not dry out deeper than 3 inches.
  6. Stake your plants well.
  7. Prune your plants to keep the center sunny and aerated.
  8. Feed your plants, but wait until small fruit formation begins.

Additional Resources