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Growing In Your Garden Now - Planning your winter garden

Winter garden
Now is the time!

It’s not too early to start planning and planting your next crop of vegetables. Novices find it easiest to plant seedlings from local nurseries.  But to get the best varieties it’s desirable to plant from seeds of known tastiness. Seed catalogs are abundant. Friends can be helpful. Here are some essentials:

•    Know your microclimate:  Plan to harvest before frost sets in. If no frost, you’re home free.
•    Start your seeds outdoors when soil is warm. August is usually ideal. Protect from birds nibbling.
•    Rotate crops: Planting in the same ground encourages disease.
•    Fertilize your soil before planting to replenish the nutrients needed for the next crop.
•    Plant what you like and what you and your family can consume.
•    Plant your winter harvest in summer and fall
•    Winter Harvest
•    See Tips on Growing Edibles for more information