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Shrubs: Garden Workhorses

Pittosporum tobira, mock orange. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Pittosporum tobira, mock orange. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Shrubs are extremely versatile and hard-working, often forming the framework of a landscape. Some are low-growing and others are as tall and large as trees. They make excellent privacy hedges, foundations, and evergreen backdrops. Like trees, they can highlight attractive views or screen unsightly views. They can also help direct circulation and deflect wind.

Use our list of > BEAUTIFUL SHRUBS

Deer avoid mint bush (Prostanthera ovalifolia) because the foliage is fragrant. Photo: Marie Narlock
Deer avoid mint bush (Prostanthera ovalifolia) because the foliage is fragrant. Photo: Marie Narlock
These shrubs are suitable for our summer-dry climate and grow throughout Marin County. They are as attractive as they are versatile.

If you need an unassuming green backdrop, consider: 
• coffeeberry (Frangula californica)
• sweet olive (Osmanthus fragrans)
• Pittosporum

If you want to dial things up, consider a lovely flowering shrub:
• Cestrum 'Newelii' that blooms all year
• Grevillea 'Noellii' that lures hummingbirds
• a fragrant mock orange (Choisya ternata)
• a bronze-leaved fringe flower (Loropetalum)