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Greenbrae Tomato Market Purchases

sad tomato
If you bought tomato plants at the Master Gardener Tomato Market in Greenbrae, we need your help.

On April 20, due to technical difficulties, over a hundred credit card transactions did not go through at the Greenbrae Tomato Market. That means no funds were collected for those purchases. Much as we'd love to give everyone in Marin free tomatoes, this snafu does create a problem for us because we rely on this fundraiser to support our outreach programs throughout Marin.

If you were one of these customers, we call upon your generosity and help so that we might recover the funds from the sale. As a reminder, the plants sold for $6 each. Please make a payment based on the number of plants you bought. 

If you prefer to mail a check, please make it out to UC Regents with a note indicating payment is for the UC Marin Master Gardener 2024 Tomato Market. Mail checks to:

UC Marin Master Gardeners
2024 Greenbrae Tomato Market
1682 Novato Blvd, Ste. 150B
Novato, CA 94947

Thank you for shopping at the Tomato Market. We are sincerely grateful for your support.