Wintery Savory
Scientific NameSatureja montana
General Information
Winter Savory is a dark green perennial that prefers full sun and grows a foot tall. It is easy to grow. Bees collect both pollen and nectar from the shoots of long flowering savory. Native to the Mediterranean region, it is used in cooking.
When to Plant
Plant in spring or late fall.
Grow from starts, 12 inches apart, where it can get at least six hours of sun per day.
Soil Requirements
Well drained soil.
Water Requirements
Low water – drought tolerant.
Amend with compost in early spring.
Winter savory is pollinated by insects.
Harvest throughout the growing season as needed. Both flowers and leaves are edible. Taste is more pronounced when leaves are harvested before flowers form.
Winter Savory’s sharp, pointed leaves dry well. Strip dried leaves from stem and store in glass jar until next season’s harvest.
Good Varieties for Marin
Commonly available as straight species.
Helpful Tips
Prune Winter Savory regularly to encourage new growth and good air flow.
Common Problems
Relatively problem free.
Pests- Diseases & More
If whiteflies or spider mites visit, hose them off.