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Tool Care


Sharpen your pruners with a file regularly. Photo: L Stiles
Sharpen your pruners with a file regularly. Photo: L Stiles

Good tools need regular care to keep them working properly and safely.  Cleaning your tools is also important to prevent the spread of disease-causing pathogens.  

Keep them clean
Clean your tools after each use with water and a penetrating oil to prevent rust.  Wood handles can be wiped with boiled linseed oil.  Remove dried sap with turpentine and use a flexible, abrasive emery cloth to remove residue from tight places.

Sharp tools are safe and more efficient to use.  Various sharpening methods are used depending on the tool.  Use a sharpening stone or a flat mill bastard file.

Check regularly
Check tools regularly for loose nuts and screws and tighten as needed.

Maintain & repair when necessary
Sand rough handles and repair cracks as soon as possible to prevent injury.

Keep them dry and organized
Store tools in a dry location away from the elements. Hanging tools on a wall is an ideal way to keep them organized.