Salvia - Rosette-Forming
Scientific NameSalvia nemorosa, S. x superba, S. penstemonoides, S. Spathacea
Image & InformationSalvia nemorosa. Photo Wikimedia Commons
As a general rule, these salvia may be pruned severely in the late fall or in the spring. The decision depends upon whether a gardener’s climate includes many nights of freezing temperatures. If so, then it is best to prune in the spring, so that the previous year’s growth can protect the emerging new growth. If frost damage is not an issue, then the best time for an annual pruning is in the late fall.
When to PruneLate fall or spring
Flowers/Fruit on New or Old WoodNew Wood
How & What to Prune
In late fall or spring (Information), remove all flower stems to the ground. This strengthens the roots and promotes vigorous growth in the spring.
Do not remove the leafy rosettes.
During the growing season, remove any spent flower stems. They may flower again.