Salvia - Woody
Scientific NameSalvia greggii, S. chamaedryoides, S. coccinea, S. microphylla, S. Clevelandii
Image & InformationSalvia microphylla. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
When to PruneLate fall or spring
Flowers/Fruit on New or Old WoodNew Wood
How & What to Prune
In late fall or spring (see Information), prune the branches to within five to eight inches from the ground, but not below the lowest emerging foliage. Cutting below that level may kill that branch.
If the plant has become dense, unkempt or too large for its place in the garden, removing some branches may be necessary. Removing approximately one-third of the oldest branches each year will keep the plant from becoming too woody.
During the growing season, remove spent blooms to stimulate new growth and flowering.