Salvia - Deciduous, Soft-Stemmed
Scientific NameSalvia elegans, S. guaranitica, S. leucantha, S. waverly, S. ulignosa, S. Patens) – Deciduous Soft-Stemmed Salvia
Image & InformationSalvia elegans. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Note that these salvia may spread as they grow, requiring division from time to time.
When to PruneLate fall or spring
Flowers/Fruit on New or Old WoodNew Wood
How & What to Prune
In late fall or spring (see Information), prune the branches close to the ground. This avoids dense, tangled growth in the spring and controls pests over the winter.
During the growing season, remove stems that have finished blooming to the ground.
If, during the growing season, the plant becomes dense and unkempt, it is possible to prune selected branches to within six to twelve inches of the ground.