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Marin Community Gardens Map

About this map:
This map shows the many types of gardens in Marin, such as community, school, institutional, and faith-based gardens. Many have had support and advice from Marin Master Gardeners or UCCE Marin’s ‘Community Garden Program’. Many others flourish from ongoing support of passionate community volunteers. The purpose of this map is to illustrate the abundance of community gardens in Marin and to connect perspective gardeners with gardens in their neighborhood.

Using this map:
Click on any dot to bring up a pop-up window with details about a specific garden.
Click on “Legend” button (“i” icon in the blue bar at the top of the map), and/or “Layers” button (stack of papers icon in the blue bar) to identify and manipulate color-coded garden categories.

To download a list of gardens in Marin County, click here.
To submit potential updates for this map, email banielsen@ucanr.edu.

Types of Gardens

Community gardens bring people together on public or private land to garden in plots, sometimes rented by gardeners for a nominal fee.

School gardens educate youth about gardening and are found at public and private schools from preschool to college.

Residential gardens are shared among residents of apartment, assisted living, or affordable housing units.

Institutional gardens are associated with public or private organizations and provide beneficial services including rehabilitation, therapy, or skill-building.

Faith-based gardens are tended by religious groups on faith-based lands and often produce food for the congregation and those in need.

Demonstration gardens provide education to the public on specific topics including food gardening, native species, firewise gardening, and pollinator gardening.

Help us map potential community garden sites in Marin County by completing this short survey.