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Become a Master Gardener

Applications are now open for the 2025 Marin Master Gardener training. Click here to apply
Are you a lifelong learner and keen gardener who enjoys sharing what you know with others in the community? Consider becoming a UC Marin Master Gardener!
In addition to sharing research-based knowledge of horticulture and sustainable gardening practices with home gardeners in Marin, we also support the creation of local food sources, and conduct community outreach through our:

• Help Desk
• Social and print media
• Farmers' markets
• Talks and demonstrations
• Community and school projects

The Master Gardener Training Program

The Master Gardener Training Program is an intensive 18-week overview course from early January to mid-May that provides a practical introduction to horticulture and sustainable landscape practices. A combination of in-person and virtual classes will be held on 18 consecutive Thursdays through the training period. In-person class sessions begin at 9:00am and finish at 3:30pm. Virtual classes are live from 9:00am to 1:00pm. Classes are taught by University of California faculty and staff, landscape and nursery professionals, local horticulture educators and certified Master Gardeners.

Learn gardening techniques such as rose pruning during the Master Gardener training program
Learn gardening techniques such as rose pruning during the Master Gardener training program

Areas of training include:

• Botany and plant taxonomy
• Soils, composting and mulch
• Plant pathology
• Plant problem diagnosis
• Integrated approaches to pest management
• Insects
• Weeds and invasive plants 
• Turfgrass
• Vertebrate pests
• Irrigation practices
• Growing fruits and vegetables
• Growing ornamentals, trees and shrubs,
• Propagation
• Pruning
• Fire-smart landscaping
• Climate/climate change
• Pollinators and beneficial insects
• Garden Planning


Program Commitment Requirements

• Must be able to attend ALL Training Program classes (in person and virtual)
• Must complete and submit weekly homework assignments competently and on time
• Must pass a final open-book examination

• Complete 50 hours of UCMMG-sponsored volunteer service


Application & Requirements

The application for the 2025 Marin Master Gardener Training Class is now open!

>> Click here to apply

Applications close on August 30, 2024. Late applications will not be considered.


• Marin residents only
• Complete an online application
• If invited, participate in an in-person interview
• Submit fingerprints to Marin County Sheriff 
• Pay non-refundable tuition fee of $395 (includes textbooks)


Continuing Master Gardener Program

Continuing MMG
UC Marin Master Gardeners share their horticultural knowledge and expertise with the public through many forms of volunteer service. To get a feel for the many opportunities and activities available to UC Marin Master Gardeners, watch our video above, and please explore the website under Ask Us to get a better feel for what we do for the public.

All UC Marin Master Gardeners are required to annually complete:
• 25 hours of MMG volunteer service
• 12 hours of approved continuing education


In accordance with applicable State and Federal laws and University policy, the University of California does not discriminate in any of its policies, procedures, or practices on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, age, veteran status, medical condition, ancestry, citizenship or disability. Inquiries regarding this policy may be addressed to the Affirmative Action Director, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources, 1111 Franklin Street, 6th Floor, Oakland, CA 94607-5200, (510) 987-0096.