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Marin IJ Articles

So Much to Share

  • Dot Zanotti Ingels
  • A mixture of native plants like Huchera and succulents like Calandrinia make great additions for a low water garden. Photo: James Campbell
    A mixture of native plants like Huchera and succulents like Calandrinia make great additions for a low water garden. Photo: James Campbell
    The mission of your Marin Master Gardeners is ‘to extend to the public research-based information verified by UC experts about home horticulture and pest management.’  We work to meet this goal in many ways, including our Saturday IJ articles like this one.

    One of the ways we bring you so much good information right into your home is through our newsletter, The Leaflet.  The Leaflet is a free e-newsletter for Marin gardeners delivered quarterly via email.  All Marin gardeners are eligible for a free subscription, and it is so easy to make that happen.  The Leaflet arrives seasonally, so you know what you need to know right when you need the information. In addition, there are lots of colorful photos that make this a fun read.

    Each Leaflet issue includes advice backed and vetted by the University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR).  The emphasis is on Earth-friendly and sustainable techniques that help you be a gardener who knows how to build your soil, choose the right plant for the right place in your garden, and conserve water and energy, you will always find strategies that protect our shared environment and our wildlife. 

    There are answers to many of the frequently asked questions, such as gardening through this drought and recognizing signs of plant stress.  We offer identification of and solutions to the dreaded pest and disease problems that vex our homes and gardens. 

    Native plants like pacific iris can flourish without any irrigation. Photo: James Campbell
    Native plants like pacific iris can flourish without any irrigation. Photo: James Campbell
    Part of helping choose plants is providing information on:

    • How to choose healthy plants
    • Finding plants that are native to our area, including many low/no water choices
    • Lawn replacements
    • Pollinator plants
    • Ground covers
    • Annuals, perennials, and bulbs
    • Plants that attract birds, bees, butterflies, and other beneficials
    • And so much more... You get the idea

    There are so many tricks and techniques to help you garden more efficiently and safely.  We have them for you.

    We provide detailed instructions for choosing and growing fruits, vegetables, and herbs.  There is information to help you make your garden more productive, no matter the size.

    There are so many classes and events taught and hosted by the Master Gardeners.  The Leaflet is the easiest way to stay up to date with the offerings and how to attend.

    The Fall issue includes a gardener’s checklist for fall, how to invite amphibians and reptiles into the garden, introduction to a native California grape, and what to prune in autumn.

    Here is the link to sign up now.  You will be glad you did!  https://marinmg.ucanr.edu/ASK_US/THELEAFLET/