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Can't wait to meet you at the Fair!

  • Jane Scurich
  • Grab a seat in the lush garden and learn from our UCMMG speakers. Photo: Marie Narlock
    Grab a seat in the lush garden and learn from our UCMMG speakers. Photo: Marie Narlock
    Bee-come an Earth-friendly Gardener!

    Visit the UC Marin Master Gardener Demonstration Garden at the Marin County Fair.

    It's Fair time! Time for us to relax and enjoy our local Marin County Fair, complete with deep fried Oreos, pig races, carnival games, 4-H bunnies, and… the UC Marin Master Gardeners (MMG) engaging and educational exhibit where you can learn gardening practices that benefit rather than harm the environment.

    Want to "bee" come a more Earth-friendly Gardener? We're here to help. Stop by our tent to see how it's done. Immerse yourself in the lush garden filled with plants carefully selected to thrive in our Mediterrian climate. Plants will be well-labeled to help you take notes about those you need to add to your garden. Plan to spend some time learning from MMGs at our twice daily, free 30-minute talks on the "how-to's" of Earth-friendly Gardening. (A complete list of speakers is available at https://marinmg.ucanr.edu/ASK_US/EVENTS/COUNTYFAIR/). Visit our resource desk for answers to your garden questions. Get to know your local Master Gardeners – we love to help you with all things garden related!

    When: July 3rd to July 7th, 11 am to 7 pm 

    • July 3rd is Children's Day! (Adults are welcome too!) Children are invited to try their luck at spinning the Earth-friendly Garden trivia wheel to learn which critters live underground to build healthy soil and help plants thrive. Don't miss the scavenger hunt to find some garden helpers in our exhibit gardens!
    • July 4th – 7th – Enjoy 30-minute speaker presentations at 11:30 and 1:30.
    • July 8th offers a once-a-year opportunity to purchase outstanding plants from the demonstration gardens! 7 am – 9 am, first come – first served! Cash or checks only please. 

    Visit the UC Marin Master Gardeners in the barnyard. Look for the big white tent. Photo: Peggy Chipkin
    Visit the UC Marin Master Gardeners in the barnyard. Look for the big white tent. Photo: Peggy Chipkin
    Where: In the barnyard; look for the big white tent next to the pig races.

    What: Demonstration garden, education, and inspiration. 

    • "Splashless" demonstration Xeriscape garden will acquaint you with beautiful options for low and no-water plants.
    • See and feel native grasses and groundcovers that are easy to grow, beneficial to the earth, and are excellent replacements for water-hogging lawns.
    • Learn about California natives and other "low splash" plants that welcome pollinators. 
    • See our integrated display that entices bees and butterflies to polinate your fruits and veggies. 
    • Gather ideas and tips for your Earth-friendly container gardening on your patio, porch, or balcony.  
    • Visit our resource desk for answers to your Earth-friendly Gardening questions. 
    • Sign-up for a personal home visit by MMWD trained Garden Walkers to assist you with water efficiency, irrigation systems, soil health, maintenance, as well as leak detection and system faults.
    • Learn about the Master Gardener program and how you can join us! Applications are currently available on our website, https://marinmg.ucanr.edu/, and will close on August 30th.
    • Have a seat in our lovely garden and learn from an excellent line-up of speakers presenting a broad range of topics including Twenty Great Plants for Marin Gardens, Herbs for all Seasons, and Backyard Composting. 

    Bee-come an Earth-friendly gardener. Photo: Jane Scurich
    Bee-come an Earth-friendly gardener. Photo: Jane Scurich
    Why: Every action that uses earth-friendly practices inches us toward a healthier environment...one garden at a time, one gardener at a time.

    We can't wait to share our knowledge with you at the Fair!