Fungal diseases of plants
Martha Proctor
Powdery mildew on a dahlia. Photo: Martha Proctor
Because the presence of fungi is not always visible on a plant's surface, they are often identified by their growth patterns, spores, or other structures. Fungi absorb nutrients through tiny thread-like filaments called hyphae. A collection of hyphae on a plant is a key diagnostic sign that can lead to identifying a specific fungus. Examine infected plant tissue with a hand lens, or if further assistance is needed, bring a sample to the Marin Master Help Desk in Novato. The sample can be viewed under a microscope or put onto a petri dish with a nutrient medium to see if identifiable fungi grow out.
Monitor your plants. If a plant appears stressed and symptoms appear, examine the plant for symptoms and signs of injury or disease. Determine the most likely cause by first accurately identifying the host plant: every species, variety, or cultivar has a unique set of characteristics that often provide important clues to identifying the source of the problem. Fungi are often very host-specific.
Foliar blight on Pacific madrone in Inverness. Photo: Martha ProctorFungicides are typically more effective when applied preventively but can also be effective when applied after the onset of symptoms. In either case, fungicides must be delivered to the area of the plant where the pathogen is active to be effective. Accurate diagnosis of the fungi is critical to selecting the appropriate fungicide since they vary in their efficacy. Always follow instructions on the fungicide label regarding timing of use and weather conditions.
Controlling plant diseases with cultural practices involves preventing a conducive environment for fungal growth and improving the growing conditions for maximum plant health. Purchase healthy, vigorous plants and carefully inspect the root system before planting. Study the plant's normal growth habits and requirements (soil type, pH, exposure, drainage, exposure) and learn the common problems to which that plant type is vulnerable. Learn from reliable sources how common diseases for that cultivar type are treated.
Fungal leaf spots and blights (e.g., anthracnose) can be better managed by growing resistant cultivars. Plants with leaf spots, the most prevalent of all plant diseases, or downy mildew fare better by limiting overhead irrigation. Too little water stresses plants, making them more susceptible to disease organisms, e.g., canker fungi; excessive watering results in greater susceptibility to root diseases. Careful watering, sterile pots, and uncontaminated, soil-less seedling mixes help reduce the incidence of rots.
Rotate vulnerable plants to a different spot each year to disrupt year-to-year pest cycles. Prune twigs and branches from woody plants infected with blight or fungal canker diseases. Turn the soil after harvest to help break down small roots that may harbor fungi. Removing plant debris and infected plant parts minimizes disease spread and reduces overwintering spores—Disinfect tools/machinery with household bleach in a 10% solution of bleach and water.
Prevention is the best approach for most plant diseases.