Flowers but no Fruit? Suspect pollination problems.
Marty Nelson
Bees need to visit flowers many times for successful pollination to occur. Photo: Heike Hartmann from Pixabay
Pollination occurs when pollen from a stamen or male part of a flower is transferred to the pistil or female flower part. Germination begins when the pollen reaches the ovary of the flower and fruit development follows. Most flowers, however, need help getting the pollen onto the pistil and that’s where the pollinators come in. While we commonly think of bees and other insects as pollinators, pollen is also transferred by wind, water, birds, bats, and small mammals. Pollination is the unintended consequence when a bee or butterfly moves from flower to flower to gather pollen or sip nectar and drops off extra grains of pollen in the process.
Hand pollination can assist the bees in their work. Photo: planet natural.comCross-pollination requires the transfer of pollen from the stamen of one flower to the pistil in another flower. In some edibles, the flowers need to be on different plants. Spinach, beets, carrots, corn, onions, cabbage, and squash are cross-pollinating. Most fruit trees are also cross-pollinating, and many require pollination between two or more trees, sometimes of a different variety. A lone apple tree, for example, may produce little or no fruit if there is no other apple variety close enough to provide bee or wind carried pollen.
Cross-pollination becomes even more complicated in plants that produce separate male and female flowers. Plants in the Cucurbitaceae family, which includes cucumbers, squash, and melons, are in this grouping. Typically, the male flowers appear first followed in a week or so by the female flowers. The female flowers can be recognized by the swelling at the base of the flower that looks like a miniature fruit. The female flowers are only open for one day so there need to be enough male flowers around for pollination to occur. Bees do the major work of transferring the pollen from the male to the female flower because the pollen tends to be too heavy or sticky to be moved by wind.
These cucumbers are examples of the types of distortions resulting from incomplete pollination. Photo: Marty NelsonThe primary causes of pollination problems are adverse weather conditions and lack of pollinators. Too much rain and cold, lack of sun, or extreme heat can reduce the formation of healthy flowers and discourage pollinators. Bees, particularly honeybees, do not like cool, cloudy weather. Conversely, when temperatures are too high, pollen production decreases, flowers are damaged, fruit development slows, and bee activity decreases.
Successfully growing edibles means also caring for the pollinators. Most pollinators have a longer lifespan than the flowers of a single type of plant, so a garden with a variety of plants that provide pollen and nectar throughout the growing season encourages pollinators to stick around. Because few pesticides are completely safe for pollinators, it’s best to avoid using them as much as possible.