A wish list for pollinators – host and nectar
Alice Cason
A honey bee and a monarch butterfly share the nectar on Salvia ulignosa, Blue spike sage. Photo: Alice Cason
Some species need their own type of host plant. For example, a monarch butterfly‘s life begins with a milkweed plant. It is the sole source of food for the caterpillars or larva. After eating the plant, they gain poisonous cardenolides, protecting them from predators. Milkweeds plants are the only place where the Monarchs will lay eggs and a support system for their complete metamorphosis. Remember to plant milkweeds native to Marin (Asclepias fascicularis and Asclepias speciosa) and not tropical milkweed (Asclepias curassavica), which disrupts the monarch migration can have a high infestation of the OE parasite whose spores accumulate in the leaves. I found a great list of California host plants for butterflies at: https://sonomamg.ucanr.edu/files/29782.pdf.
Some plants are better than others for nectar production. Some double bloom varieties with ruffled petals will be hard to navigate and inaccessible. There are also hybrid plants that do not provide pollen, nectar, or fragrance. Look for single bloom varieties of zinnias, for example. Nectar plants can be native wildflowers. They can also be trees, shrubs, and vines. Nectar plants can be host plants, too, like the passion vine (Passiflora), which is the host to the Gulf Fritillary butterfly.
The bright yellow blossom on the Madea elegans, or tarweed, attracts bees, butterflies, and moths. Photo: Alice CasonMarin Master Gardeners have assembled a list of over 40 Pollinator plants for bees and butterflies for a special sale held at the Falkirk Greenhouse in San Rafael. Watch for California natives like Achillea Millefolium (Yarrow) and Eschscholzia californica (Orange California Poppy). In addition, there are several varieties of Nepeta (Catmint). Salvias, Scabiosa and Verbena. Tithonia, or Mexican Sunflower, is a favorite for butterflies because of its bright red color, open structure, and single petals. Also in the sale is Madia Elegans or Elegant Tarweed, a California native annual drought tolerant and deer resistant. Bees and Syrphid flies pollinate it. The flower heads are like bright yellow sunflowers and close on hot days as an efficient way to avoid wilting.
Monarchs like the open shape and bright red color of the Tithonia flower ( Mexican Sunflower). Photo: Alice Cason