Learn, have fun, dig in the dirt and teach others to garden
Diane Lynch
MMGs installed & maintain 6 gardens at Falkirk Cultural Center in San Rafael and take time to tour visitors when they are working. Photo: Diane Lynch
Class topics covered include botany, soils, plant problems, integrated pest management, turfgrass, irrigation, fruit and vegetable growing, propagation, pruning, fire safe landscaping, climate change and more.
The UC Marin Master Gardener program celebrates its 35th anniversary this year. The Master Gardener nationwide programs were founded by Washington State University Cooperative Extension in 1973 in response to a growing interest in home gardening. Some of the key elements of the UC MMG earth-friendly gardening program include science-based integrated pest management (IPM); environmental concerns such as recycling, water conservation and watershed protection; reducing impact of invasive species, and healthy living through gardening.
A gathering in 2016 featuring, left to right: Harvey Rogers, founding President Claire Russell, James Campbell and Nena Hart. Photo: Jill FugaroThe early years presented bumps and challenges as no formal curriculum was yet ironed out, but each year the classes improved. Volunteers Tony Mekisich and Sunshine Weismehl were a dynamic duo who conducted training from 1995-2001. County agents Don Lewis and Ellie Rilla were instrumental in encouraging the volunteers as they developed better training which continue to evolve into current programs.
There are dozens of varied projects in which to get involved: join the Garden Walks team to provide homeowners in Marin with free advice on improving their irrigation practices, staff a help table at farmer’s markets, write newsletters or IJ articles, create continuing education, dig in school and community gardens, teach in and plant in demonstration gardens, mentor, speak at local libraries-- the list goes on.
MMGs grow about 5000 tomato plants at the Falkirk Greenhouse, which are sold to Marin residents to raise funds for various projects. Photo: Diane LyncIf you’re interested in seeing some of our projects, take a walk around the gardens at Falkirk Cultural Center on Mission St. in San Rafael—there’s a well-labeled succulent garden there, and planning is underway for a new butterfly habitat garden, which will feature mostly natives and many monarch-attracting milkweeds. There is an edible demonstration garden at College of Marin Indian Valley campus where 100 species of herbs, vegetables, flowers and fruit are grown and sold in season. Harvey’s Garden at Blackie’s Pasture in Tiburon is tended by community volunteers including many UC Marin Master Gardeners and named in memory of longtime UC MMG Harvey Rogers.
Beyond the knowledge and service the UC Marin Master Gardeners provide, they become part of a network of curious, kindred spirits. Many Master Gardeners will tell you they get more than they give.
Applications are open from now until September 3, 2021. For information go to: http://marinmg.ucanr.edu/LEARN/MASTERGARDENERTRAINING/
Please watch our latest Join Us video at https://youtu.be/kCeAL1-ffL4
Classes start in early January 2022. Current plans are for a hybrid program of in-person and virtual classes, with a back-up plan for all virtual classes if necessary.