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Marin IJ Articles

All Stories by Story Category : Pests & Other Problems

Backyard Sleuthing

  • Nanette Londeree

Battling boxwood blight: protecting your garden greenery

  • James Campbell and Steven Swain, Marin County Environmental Horticulture Advisor

Bird bye bird

  • Karen Gideon

Cucumber beetles

  • Martha Proctor

Do you have a fig tree? Be on the lookout for the black fig fly.

  • Steven Swain, Environmental Horticulture Advisor, and Marin Master Gardener James Campbell

Dormant season spraying

  • Martha Proctor

Fighting clouds of whiteflies

  • Barbara Robertson


  • Martha Proctor

Fungal diseases of plants

  • Martha Proctor

Mediterranean oak borer

  • Steven Swain and Barbara Robertson

Mysterious life of lichen

  • Barbara Robertson

New pest threatens oak trees

  • Barbara Robertson

Oak leaves turning brown? Could be the two-horned gall wasp...

  • Steven Swain, Horticulture Advisor, UCCE Marin

Oh rats

  • Martha Proctor

Out, out damn'd weeds

  • Martha Proctor

Pesky plants

  • James Campbell

Pine bark beetle

  • Martha Proctor

Poisonous plants

  • Sara O’Keefe

Powdery mildew

  • Martha Proctor

Shot hole disease

  • Martha Proctor

Snails and slugs

  • Juliana Jensen

Spray now or pay later

  • Nanette Londeree

The Rusts

  • Nanette Londeree

The worm in the apple

  • Nanette Londeree

Weed woes in your garden

  • Martha Proctor

What's bugging your roses?

  • Nanette Londeree

Yikes, thrips

  • Jane Scurich