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Amaryllis belladonna

  • November 23, 2024
  • Amaryllis belladonna is the plant we know as “naked lady.” 

    It shouldn’t be confused with the plant amaryllis that is often given as a Thanksgiving or Christmas gift. This plant is actually Hippeastrum, in the Amaryllis family. They have large five- to six-inch, bell-shaped flowers in many bright colors. There may be 2-4 flowers on each stalk. If you receive the gift as a bulb, it is fun to watch how fast they grow and produce flowers.

    There are over 600 hybrids and cultivars of Hippeastrum with catchy names like ‘Candy Cane,’ ‘On Dasher,’ and ‘Comfort and Joy.’

    Hippeastrum will thrive indoors with diffused light, cool nighttime temperatures, and moist (not wet) soil.


  • Katie Martin