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Daphne: the queen of winter fragrance

  • Photo: Leonora Enking
    Photo: Leonora Enking
    Daphne is a beautiful evergreen shrub for dappled light situations. Although it can be a tad temperamental to grow, it’s worth the effort to enjoy its dreamy fragrance that wafts delightfully through the winter garden. This shrub grows up to 4 feet tall and wide at a slow-to-moderate pace and has an attractive round growth habit. It boasts small, glossy leaves and pale pink flowers. All parts are poisonous and deer resistant. It is native to China and Japan.

    If conditions are right, daphne can be an outstanding addition to patios and pathways where its sweet perfume can be relished all winter long. It’s important to find this plant a permanent home, as it does not take well to being transplanted. Daphne typically lives 5 to 10 years, but it’s not unusual for it to die prematurely. In fact, it may perform beautifully for years and then die without warning.

    Daphne flowers exude a sweet scent in winter. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
    Daphne flowers exude a sweet scent in winter. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
    Daphne prefers fertile, well-drained soil. After planting, apply a layer of mulch and water regularly for at least the first year until well established. After that it should only need watering during extra dry conditions. However, if grown in containers, be sure to provide extra water as daphne can dry out quickly. Excessive watering may prevent flowering.

    Sun exposure is also important. This plant can take several hours of winter sun, but not hot summer sun. Morning sun encourages bloom, but only if it’s for a few hours a day. And finally, in hot inland areas, even filtered summer sun can result in wilt and leaf burn.

    In general, daphne is a bit like the Greta Garbo of plants in that it likes to be left alone. Translation? Don’t over or under water. Don’t fertilize. Don’t transplant. Don’t prune. (If you must prune daphne, be sure to wear gloves because the sap can be a skin irritant.) Simply apply a thin layer of mulch annually and then sit back and enjoy the beauty and unparalleled fragrance year after year.