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Pruning Native Plants & Trees

California Lilac

  • Scientific Name
    (Ceanothus spp.)
  • Prized for

    Photo: Bob Mauceli, MMG
    Photo: Bob Mauceli, MMG
    Dense flower cover; and dark green leaves.

  • Blooms on

    Old wood and new wood.

  • When to Prune

    Prune after bloom - in the spring, after the rains have ended. Ceanothus are susceptible to apricot canker if pruned in wet weather. Note: The plant may have two or more bloom cycles – first on old wood, and the second on new wood laterals. 

  • What to Prune

    One approach is to lightly shear or tip prune the top to maintain a desired size. Alternatively, thinning cuts may be used to open the structure, but be careful. Ceanothus back bud sparingly. Furthermore, ceanothus do not seal their pruning cuts well. Avoid cuts larger than one inch in diameter. Make structural cuts on smaller branches, ideally when the plant is younger.