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Keeping Varmints at Bay
Larkspur Library - Larkspur City Hall, First Floor
400 Magnolia Ave.
Larkspur, CA 94939
Contact: Teresa Capasso at: 415-927-5134
Sponsor: UC Marin Master Gardeners

Program: Do you look out the window and find your roses beheaded? Are your carefully cultivated fruits and vegetables partially eaten? Or, have your plants disappeared in entirety? It’s likely your garden is being appreciated by deer, gophers or rats. Come and get information and techniques to help home gardeners cope with these pests.

Speaker: Lois Stevens has been a UC Marin Master Gardener since 2008 and has been gardening for more than 50 years. She is the past chair of the Marin Master Gardener Help Desk, has been responsible for training new Master Gardeners, served on the Board of Directors, and makes presentations about the Master Gardener program and garden related topics at events such as this.

Cost: FREE

Sponsored by the Marin Master Gardeners and Larkspur Library

Contact: Teresa Capasso, Librarian II, Larkspur Library, 415-927-5134